Thursday, September 23, 2010

Journal Entry 28: Don't Try this at Home

The excitement never ended this weekend! After the canopy walk, we headed over to have lunch at another nice hotel. The hotel also has a crocodile lodge where you can feed and pet crocodiles—yes crocodiles. This wasn’t something I was too thrilled about. We walked over to an area where there were two crocodiles that seemed to be sedated for the most part. People began to take pictures with them, placing their hands on the rough pointy reptile skin. I touched the crocodile for about two seconds, for the simple fact that so many people had been messing with the crocodile that I was scared that I might be the last straw. (Of course, the fact that it started waking up, opening its eyes and stretching its arm had something to do with it too). Nonetheless, it got my adrenaline going. I felt like one of the crazy people on "The Crocodile Hunter". Now when I see them on television, I can say “Yea—been there, done that!”. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My sister Nia Phillips goes to your school Wellesley ! I am in high school and I also went to Ghana this year! My sister was like my friend went to her blog Your experience sounds so similar to mine! I went to Coconut Grove and also to the Cape Coast Slave Fort, and I also got a shell lol, it says to afro american brother Rashaad from your african brother kojo haha........and I also got cussed out at the slave fort too cause I wouldnt buy anything.....I even got called the N word and this man followed me around and when I got in the van he started to bang hard on the glass! It would be neat to talk to you some email is
