Monday, December 20, 2010

Journal Entry 49: Until Next Time

I didn’t realize how hard it would be for me to leave Ghana until I actually arrived in the U.S. The entire semester I craved for soul food, hot showers and good customer service but when I actually arrived, everything suddenly felt so foreign, so unreal. My life of walking amongst stray dogs and goats on dirt roads, buying items off of the street within the comfort of my car, and taking cold showers had become so normal for me. It wasn’t until I stepped foot on American soil that I realized I had changed, and that I might run into people who don’t quite understand me. It’s as if I was a lot happier in Ghana, even though the U.S. provided me with so many luxuries. I already realize that this will not be my last visit to Ghana. I think I left a piece of myself in Ghana, a piece that I may have to find every now and then when I’m lost. Until next time Ghana, I'll keep you in my heart, with hopes that you will do the same.

1 comment:

  1. I am so very proud of you. You continue to amaze and surprise me with your insight and perception. I am sure that Ghana will miss you as much as you will it. Yet, there is an entire world awaiting your arrival. A world that could use some of your compassion, spirit and passion. That place’s to will miss your presence once you are gone. In your travels as in life, don’t let any grass grow under your feet. Remember that and you will do just fine.
    Loving you and who you are
