Monday, December 20, 2010

Journal Entry 47: A Happy Thanksgiving

This was the first Thanksgiving I had away from home, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. My exchange program invited us to celebrate Thanksgiving together at a home that belonged to one of the host parents. It was a beautiful house, and I couldn’t believe that two of my fellow exchange students were actually living there (or actually living on their own in the guest house next door).
As I anticipated, many of the exchange students (myself included) wore their Ghanaian attire to celebrate the American holiday. Because we would be leaving Ghana shortly, people had already begun to reminisce over their experiences in Ghana, which caused us to be even more patriotic as our favorite Ghanaian songs floated from the DJ’s speakers. I was very pleased to eat turkey for the first time in a long time, and appreciated the huge effort made to make us feel at home. As usual, we ended up dancing—dancing harder than we ever have before (as we have experienced so much and realized that it could be our last time dancing together).
This is the Thanksgiving that truly made me realize that I have so much to be thankful for.

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