Thursday, November 25, 2010

Journal Entry 41: Visiting the Kids

I was pleased to have my mom and cousin come to see the kids a couple of days after they arrived. After the long walk in the heat, we finally reached our destination and the teacher showed us around to the different classrooms. We finally got to the room that I teach in, and the learning began. My mom was particularly enthusiastic, singing the songs in a cheesy manner and smiling at the kids. During their break, she started teaching them a song. “Shake it up, baby. Twist and Shout!” she said twisting her body, with a couple of the girls eager to copy the moves. My cousin then began to lead everyone in the “Hokie Pokie” which they took a liking to. To make things even better, they asked the teacher and director for an address where they could send stuff for the kids. I was glad to see that they enjoyed the kids as much as I do.

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