Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Journal Entry 16: The Durbar

There was an event (called Durbar) welcoming all the international students to the University of Ghana. The day before the event, one of the women coordinating it asked me if I would sing, and of course I couldn’t turn down the offer. We came to the event straight from the Aburi Gardens so I had to sing right away. I had no idea what to sing so I figured why not do my famous rendition of “His Eye is On the Sparrow”.  After I sung, people started smiling at me and being extra nice. I went up to get my food and the woman who was serving food was smiling at me like she wanted to say something but couldn’t.  I figured that was a good sign. After eating, everyone got in the center of the floor to dance, people from all over the world who came to see and experience Ghana. We did African dances together, did a few hip-hop dances, and didn’t have a care in the world. I was in my own element, and it felt good.

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