Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Journal Entry 1: Arriving in Ghana

When I first got off of the plane and entered the country closest to the center of the earth, my first  thought was; “Gee, it isn’t as hot as people say it is”. Little did I know that the weather I had experienced was cold in comparison to what was to come. The mentors from my program met me at the airport to take me to the hotel I was going to be staying at for a few days. One mentor took her arm and wrapped it around my shoulder, as if she had known me my whole life. Even though it was a small gesture, it stood out to me because it gave me a sense of how caring and friendly Ghanaians are.
On the way to the hotel, I noticed all of the people selling stuff on the street. Many of them carried their items on their head, which I had found fascinating even though I had seen it in pictures. When we got to the hotel, we sat down to have lunch. I knew the food would be a challenge for me, considering I’m used to eating the same things over and over again.  After a while I was able to find what I liked, but I did initially have trouble eating because there wasn’t as much room to explore my options. Thankfully, that was only a small portion of my trip.
I automatically noticed the warm welcome I received from not only the mentors in my program, but Ghanaians in general.  They always smiled and greeted me. I got the impression that they are a hospitable people that care about others just as much, if not more than themselves. 
Knowing this led me to the conclusion that I was going to learn a lot during my time here.

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