Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Journal Entry 5: Growing Pains: A lack of internet

I wanted to let everyone back at home know that I was okay and tell them all of the interesting things I had been seeing, except I had no internet. I have to pay for internet either hourly or for the entire semester, and even then it isn’t always reliable. However, I took that as a positive part of my trip, because I had become so invested in my cyber life before that I don’t always take the time to notice what’s right in front of me. I didn’t want to miss a second of all that Ghana had to teach me, and the internet definitely wasn’t going to help. This was the first part of my growing process in Ghana: learning my own values. It allowed me to see that much of what I have at home is superficial and disconnects me from who I am and who I have the potential to be

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