Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Journal Entry 13: What's Your Ghanaian Name?

In Ghana, middle names are often based off of the day a child is born. For instance, a boy may be named “Kwasi” because he was born on a Sunday. However, after they are baptized, they may add on a new, Christian name. If they are already born into a Christian family, they may already be born with a Christian name. I found this fascinating because it’s almost as if by being spiritually reborn, you claim a new cultural identity as well. Considering that Christian names are also European names, I wonder if this identification system also represents some sort of hierarchy amongst religions and kinds of people.  It is still difficult for me to accept because you’re pretty much signifying your rebirth and claiming that you are now on the right path by adapting the names of the people that colonized you.

I wanted to see what my middle name would be if I was born in Ghana. I went through the calendar, all the way back to July 29th, 1990 and saw that I was born on a Sunday. This means that my middle name would be Akosua. What is your Ghanaian name?

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