Sunday, August 22, 2010

Journal Entry 12: Ignorance is Bliss

I’ve spoken to a few Ghanaians about the similarities and differences between different groups within the black diaspora. I was explaining to a couple of them how many blacks at home are not proud of their ancestry, because the majority of what we know about Africans is taught to us by whites. Through these conversations, I noticed that many Ghanaians do notice that they are portrayed negatively to other people. They explained to me that people visit Ghana and only seem to point out the things that verify what they already believe. One friend said to me, “Tourists come here, taking pictures of the first poor begging kids they see. They don’t show all of the wonderful parts of Ghana”. I found this to be very interesting, because I know people tend to become uncomfortable when they confront a reality that challenges their preconceived beliefs.  I can go home with pictures of poor begging kids or sick people and say, “See, it’s just like what they show us on television”, but to bring back pictures of a people with a rich history and culture would require me to question everything I have been taught in my country about other people. It would cause me to question even more of my beliefs, and why would I want to do that? Another lesson learned: Ignorance is bliss. 


  1. This is so true and valid all over the world. Being Jamaican I get tired of seeing the stereo-typical pictures people take when they visit. It's as if they step off the plane looking for a dread lock man smoking a splif while wearing a Bob Marley shirt. Very rarely do I see anyone posting the pictures of the vast caves in Jamaica that carry a rich history of the slave trade.

    Great writing. Very thought provoking. Keep it coming.

  2. I want make me hungry for more. Feed me. Good work daughter.
